What is a PitPat?
A PitPat is a dog activity tracker that attaches to their collar by velcro that wraps around the collar, keeping it secure. You are able to track your dogs weight, exercise, rest periods, distance covered and the calories burned by your dog everyday!
Why did we choose PitPat?
When we got a dog we realised that we were about to start getting far more regular exercise. Even as a small puppy, Albie still needed to go out for short walks. Rob and I really like our data, in particularly our Apple watches. Now I know there will be people who think it’s sad or extra to want to track your dogs activity levels but hear me out.
Albie is raw fed and there are days where he does ALOT of exercise, especially if he’s at doggy daycare. This can be hours of exercise more than his lazy days and because he is raw fed, we adjust the weight of his food accordingly!
Pitpat also have an app which gives you badges. The more miles you log, the more badges you earn! You also earn points which you can then spend on the prize store. This has real life items you can buy such as: dog toys, accessories, a £10 donation to charity amongst other great prizes. The biggest being a GOLD pitpat! Simply trade in your points to redeem your prizes. For us, it helps make exercising Albie ( and ourselves on rubbish weather days!) a bit more of a game.
Get the perks!
We chose to pay the extra £4 subscription a month to have the PitPat Life perks. Having a Pitpat life membership means that you get perks from other doggy brands such as discounts on dog-friendly holidays, doggy grooming products, dog accessories and more. It’s really helpful when you’re looking for gifts for friends dogs or to treat yours.
PitPat allows for you to have more than one dogs profile in the app, meaning you can flick backwards and forwards between your dogs and see how they are all doing!

I find the app really simple to use and the new feature sends you a push notification if you don’t upload your data to the app within a few days. All you have to do is make sure your dog is within bluetooth distance of your phone and press the paw on the PitPat and it transfers the data. We’ve had the PitPat for over a year now never had a problem with it, we only replaced the battery recently so it lasts months.
I really like that the PitPat can distinguish between different types of exercise. This was a fairly normal day for Albie. He does wear the PitPat all day but if you only put your dogs collars on for walks it works just fine and tracks their exercise just as well. Just use it as you see fit.
You can set activity goals for your dogs (Albies is set at 60 minutes of exercise a day) and you make a profile for each of your dogs at the beginning. ( They will of course each need their own PitPat for it to work).
I find the app really simple to use and the new feature sends you a push notification if you don’t upload your data to the app within a few days. All you have to do is make sure your dog is within bluetooth distance of your phone and press the paw on the PitPat and it transfers the data. We’ve had the PitPat for over a year now never had a problem with it, we only replaced the battery recently so it lasts months.
My only real issue with the PitPat is that we can’t live track Albie. I’ve seen other dog activity trackers on the market that allow for live tracking (some even with 2-3 second intervals!) that you can view from anywhere in the world on their app, can track their previous locations and set geotagged locations so that if your pet leaves this area you get a notification. All for similar pricing to PitPat. I hope that in future product releases this is something they will be able to make happen. This flaw has made me consider switching to other activity trackers due to Albie spending a lot of time off lead, walking down woodland and god forbid any escape attempts!
But I do have to say for £39 it has been a fantastic bit of kit. A really good idea to grab one especially if you’re a first time dog owner.

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