Blossoms came to play at the Fresher’s ball!…
Our Fresher’s ball this year was absolutely amazing! The media team headed there with our cameras as well as our formal wear and got right in there with the photography and filming. Honestly one of the funniest evenings of my life! We filmed a few interviews, did some ball pool interviews and danced along to Blossoms and Sigma!
Blossoms were our opening act and I’d only listened to them in the past couple of weeks so that I knew what i was going along to and i was pleasantly surprised that I liked them! We got right there on the front row with the go-pro and DSLR’s and it was so much fun!
Later on that evening, we put the cameras away and just had fun dancing along to Sigma, but you can see those clips over on my instagram!
Have a little listen below to my favourite Blossoms song!
Also, keep your eyes peeled for some more freshers week posts this week!