First off- MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope that Santa was good to everyone this year and that you’ve all had a lovely day with family and ate more than you can manage!
This year, Christmas was entirely different to normal.
For starters, Rob came to stay! Our first Christmas together! And also the first time Christmas wasn’t just my parents and I!
We started the day off with our new onesies. Abbie bought me a Bambi onesie for my birthday and it was one of my favourite birthday presents. As one of his Christmas presents, I bought Rob a Mario onesie.
Once everyone was awake it was time to exchange presents!
I love it when you get presents that definitely sum you up as a person. For both my birthday and Christmas, of course, I got even more Pusheen stuff.
But this Christmas I was well and truly SPOILED. Like one of those Christmas days’ when you get everything you wanted and so much more. I was so excited to spend the day with Rob and have him join my family for the day. I know it sounds so cheesy but this year, I realised how awesome it is to spend Christmas with the people I love around me. The presents were an added awesome bonus.
My main present this year… A VLOGGING CAMERA! Check out my first vlog of Christmas day below:
I can’t wait to get making more videos for both work and my own youtube channel, and it takes some amazing photos too!
So on Christmas morning, we woke up, shoved our new onesies on and headed on downstairs for the presents!
We spent the afternoon on the sofa snuggled up watching good old favourite programmes like Still Game and playing on our laptops. I took a wee afternoon snooze whilst I waited for Christmas dinner to cook!
This is genuinely my favourite photo I’ve taken of my parents EVER!
Me trying to smile with my hamster cheeks filled with parsnips and roast potatoes!
So Boxing day… I think we’re going to brave the Boxing Day Sales – I’ll let you know how I get on!
Thanks for Reading!
Shay x