On New Years Eve we headed down to the Quayside to celebrate the new year at the firework display…
On Thursday I began moving my stuff across to my new flat.
Only to be met with a slight disaster- it wasn’t ready! The builders were behind and we weren’t allowed in due to the outside paving not being finished so I have 2 smaller flats to myself for the week!
One flat filled with all my stuff and the other I’m living in.
My parents came up to help as did the boyfriend.
We headed out for a bit of wandering about the shops, then dinner at Nandos before having a short nap and then heading down for the fireworks!
The Quayside was jam-packed with people celebrating. We took up our spot on the Law Court steps and got the camera out! Everyone started shouting the ten-second countdown and at midnight the fireworks went off.
I love them so much, I could watch them for ages.
We snapped away and people watched as everyone enjoyed them. Then a brisk walk home and finishing the evening with some ‘House of Cards’.
I hope you all had a wonderful New Year and that 2016 is brilliant for you all!
S x