Hi there again!
I’ve been gone for a bit whilst I’ve been revising for my exams and preparing for the end of my first year studying journalism.
Last September I had a huge struggle with my university life. I’d studied law for two years and I hated it, I was failing modules and I just didn’t want to do it. I spoke with my family and we decided to not wait to resit these law exams and for me to transfer to a course I was interested in. I immediately headed for the journalism courses. Upon looking at them, I found they did a course specialised in Media and Journalism. I would learn about radio, tv and print journalism. It seemed right up my alley.
I have to admit, I haven’t had good attendance at all for a few reasons but I’m proud of my marks so far in my modules. However, I had to take up the skill of Shorthand. I’m not even joking when I say “it’s the handwriting of the devil”. I literally can’t wrap my head around it, there are shorthand notes even for silly things like ‘&’. I’m having to resit that exam in August, but I think with a couple more months practice i’ll fully get the hang of it. After all it is a skill we need for the workplace apparently, so our accuracy needs to be 97% to pass!! It seems impossible to me, but I’ve got to give it my best shot! I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS DEGREE!!
So what have I learned this year? I’ve learned I need to step out of my comfort zone if I am to fully embrace university life. I joined societies this year but never went to anything! I’m too shy for my own good.
I also took on new challenges in my course. We had to work together as a group for one module to create a film. Although quite challenging for different reasons, it really made me realise I’d picked the right course. I know for definite I want to work in film, tv or production more than traditional journalism. I also got to do my first ever radio assignments! This was quite daunting as the equipment we used was a proper radio booth, worth about £15,000. So I was extremely nervous doing my assignments!
Today itself was quite a sad day as 3 of my housemates have basically moved out now ( or at least for the summer). Three of them are moving on and finishing their degrees whilst one has gone home for the summer. It was quite weird seeing them go, as we’ve lived together for a year now. But in June, 3 newbies will move in and I hope that’ll be a fun experience too.
Now i’m off to finish Game Of Thrones as I’ve been watching it non-stop since I went on holiday for the summer. 3 Series in 3 days- oops! But it is SO good!