This has got to be the most excited and the happiest I have ever been typing a blog post. The title gives it away! I can’t believe it, after four years together, Rob asked me to marry him.
2020 has been a rubbish year for so many of us but as I turn 27, my year is ending on a high. I can’t believe it, I am beyond ecstatic to be marrying him.
I had a feeling it was coming ( I mean I have banged on about it to him for ages!) but I expected christmas at the earliest, the New Year or 2021 when we’d be allowed to travel again. Never did I think it would be a birthday proposal whilst I was in my PJ’s lounging around after a birthday breakfast and opening my presents in our living room!
I was so shocked I could barely speak, but it was the easiest yes in my life. I then asked multiple times if he was being serious, if he was sure and if it was a prank! Rob can be quite silly at times but nope, he definitely wasn’t joking. I know it may not be everyones idea of a perfect proposal but to me it really was. In our home, where we’re going to raise our family together, it made me so happy and I’ve never loved our house more than knowing this special moment happened in it. He said such sweet things and barely seemed nervous! I was in shock for the rest of the day, and waiting with anticipation to tell my parents! I keep looking down at my ring, feeling this unusual pressure on my finger as I don’t normally wear jewellery and I just feel so happy. I should have realised when he was buying a ridiculous amount of tea light candles and being sneakier than usual about my birthday!

Lockdown changed his original plans to go away somewhere and propose, so we’ve decided that when we are able to we’ll go back to Edinburgh and relive our first weekend away together. I can’t wait, as it gives us something to look forward to in 2021.
I am so excited to finally dust off my hidden wedding Pinterest board, get a wedding planning book and start this exciting chapter of our lives. As of yet, nothing is set in stone so there are so many decisions to make about everything wedding related and I plan on sharing it all here on my blog and on my youtube channel.
I can’t believe that someday I’m going to be a Mrs! haha!
Any wedding planning advice? Leave it down below as I’m going to need all the help I can get!